Give and Die for Christ is a Christian motorcyle ministry that still believes that the Bible is still as true and real as it was when it was written.

( We believe)

Jesus is the son of the most high God and that he died and rose after three days and is on the right hand of the Father interceding for us. (ROMANS 8:34)

Jesus Christ shed his blood on an old rugged cross so that through his blood we can be reconciled back to God the Father. (MATTHEW 26:28)

Theres only one true God.(ROMANS 3:30) (Mark 12:32)

Going to church being a active member (HEBREWS 10:25)

Reading the holy bible it is the word of the most high God (ROMANS 10:17)

In the Holy Ghost he is our guide and comforter (JOHN 14:26)

Prayer it is communication between a person and God (1 TIMOTHY 2;8) (1 THES. 5:17)

In sin ( it is a curse giving to man in the begining because of disobedience )(ROMANS 5:19)

In salvation its the redemption from sin a new way life (ROMANS 1:16) (ROMANS 10:10) In the Father Son and Holy Ghost all three in one

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